Doctrine: Silent Force
This is a Covert Ops / Cloaky Drop Doctrine.
Depending on Numbers (<25 People in Fleet) we might be using Filaments with this Fleet to get to Nullsec quicker.
Important Ships which needs to be in Fleet:
1 Fuel Truck (Viator, Prorator, Crane or Prowler)
1-2 Falcons
Stealth Bomber Infos:
If you cant use T2 Launchers, downgrade your Launchers to " Prototype 'Arbalest' Torpedo Launcher " and remove your T2 Ammo from the Cargohold.
Mid Slots of Bombers might be changed to Points depending on Fleet Size.
***WE ARE ONLY USING " Focused Void Bombs " ! NO OTHER BOMB TYPE!***
Bomb-Fits are marked with " F.Void "
If you dont have the Skill " Bomb Deployment " on Lv4, take the Fits without Bomb Launcher please.
To keep this Doctrine easy to read, i did not yet include Hunter Fittings here. Pls contact FC before fleet on Discord if you want to Hunt.