The new BGH Experimental branch, this time its hyperspatialed nano cruisers for high DPS hit and run on large targets. Easily capable of murdering rorquals and CRAB beacon phoenix's plus whatever else we catch. Has Logi frigates to patch up damage between kills.
Please note - The doctrine contains at least 1 racial cruiser from each of the 3 armor compatible empires plus a vedmak fit. Each hull is SRP'd at 25M per ship which will cover your whole ship + fit with insurance except the vedmak. This should only be taken by pilots who are willing to lose them. The ANIs are role specific and should and the FC should be consulted before bringing them.
BGH Deacon
Has one cap booster over what it can hold, dont forget to load it into the mod. Check both the Corpii and Centii A-type reppers for price. If both are expensive refit as neccessary.
BGH Thalia
Hyperspatialed Thalia for BGH
BGH - E - Omen
BGH - E - Heavy Tackle ANI
This is for the folks who want to help me hold the field in case of incoming return fire
BGH - E - Rupture
BGH - E - Newbro Maller
This fit is for newbros/alphas. Upgrade or downgrade modules to make this ship suit you and your skills. Fit is left with intentionally large amounts fitting space spare.
BGH - E - Thorax
BGH - E - Vedmak
For screening and clearing fast tackle before massive DPS on target.
BGH Deacon
Has one cap booster over what it can hold, dont forget to load it into the mod. Check both the Corpii and Centii A-type reppers for price. If both are expensive refit as neccessary.
Has one cap booster over what it can hold, dont forget to load it into the mod. Check both the Corpii and Centii A-type reppers for price. If both are expensive refit as neccessary.